====================================================================== CFJ 932 "No Player is currently authorized to execute Payment Orders for Indulgences pursuant to penalties expressed in terms of Blots." ====================================================================== Judge: elJefe Justices: Antimatter (pro-S), Michael (C), Murphy (pro-J) Orgnl Jdgmnt: TRUE Judgement: FALSE Eligible: +Andre, +Antimatter, Blob, Chuck, Crito, (elJefe), (General Chaos), Harlequin, Kolja A., (Michael), Murphy, +Oerjan, Steve, Swann, +Vlad Not eligible: Caller: Morendil Barred: - Disqualified: Vanyel On hold: Andre, Antimatter, Oerjan, Zefram ====================================================================== History: Called by Morendil, Sat, 26 Jul 1997 10:45:15 +0100 Assigned to elJefe, Mon, 28 Jul 1997 11:57:31 +0100 Judged TRUE, Thu, 31 Jul 1997 16:13:02 +0000 Published, Mon, 4 Aug 1997 11:34:15 +0100 Appealed by Crito, Mon, 04 Aug 1997 09:21:50 -0400 Appealed by Michael, Mon, 4 Aug 1997 14:29:38 +0100 Appealed by Oerjan, Mon, 4 Aug 1997 20:13:49 +0200 (MET DST) Appealed by Steve, Tue, 5 Aug 1997 17:39:17 +1000 (EST) Appealed by Harlequin, Tue, 05 Aug 1997 00:51:07 Murphy selected to replace elJefe as Justiciar Appeals process begun, Tue, 5 Aug 1997 12:36:34 +0100 Murphy OVERTURNS/reverses, Tue, 05 Aug 1997 19:44:52 -0700 Michael OVERTURNS/reverses, Tue, 12 Aug 1997 12:04:33 +0100 General Chaos defaults Antimatter selected as new Justice, Wed, 13 Aug 1997 10:08:07 +0100 Antimatter OVERTURNS/reverses, Wed, 13 Aug 1997 09:52:05 -0700 (PDT) Final verdict published, Fri, 15 Aug 1997 14:18:47 +0100 ====================================================================== Appeal decisions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Justice Murphy's decision: to OVERTURN and reverse decision I agree with Judge elJefe that the Caller's argument is incorrect. Rule 1435 ("Indulgences exist") takes precedence over Rule 1579 ("all Currencies must have a Mintor; any Currency ceasing to have one is destroyed"). Even accepting CFJ 929's claim that Indulgences were destroyed (which seems to be a conflict between those rules), Indulgences are then resurrected with no Mintor. I therefore consider the Statement false for lack of evidence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Justice Michael's decision: to OVERTURN and reverse decision Reasons and arguments: If Indulgences exist, then a Payment Order was executed by the Chancellor when he attempted to transfer 9 Indulgences from the Bank to Elde. If Indulgences exist, then the Indulgence Currency's Recordkeepor is authorised to record and execute Payment Orders (R1596). Thus, if Indulgences exist, the correct judgement for this CFJ is FALSE. The argument that Indulgences do not exist is based on R1579, which states that all Currencies have a Mintor and if a Currency should lose its Mintor, then it is destroyed. It is accepted that an entity known as the Mint was the Mintor for Indulgences before the Pragmatic Currencies reform occurred. By virtue of R1586, we must also accept that the Mint no longer exists, so it would appear that the antecedent of the conditional sentence of the second paragraph in R1597 holds. So, what might prevent Indulgences from being destroyed, as required by R1579? The answer is the precedence taking R1435. This states that "Indulgences are a Currency". This statement must remain true, whatever R1579 says to the contrary. My Fellow Justice elJefe claims that this is possible if one reads "Indulgences are a Currency" as "Indulgences are a destroyed Currency". This is a senseless contortion. We do not need to put the rules through such hoops. We have rules taking precedence over each other all the time. When we read "Indulgences are a Currency", we know that this is equivalent to stating that there exists a Currency whose name is "Indulgences". But now the opposing argument wants us to simultaneously read this as admitting the precise opposite, that this Currency doesn't exist at all. I refuse to make the Rules play such tricks. If a high precedence rule says that Indulgences exist, then the lower precedence R1579 can yammer on about Mintors and the lack thereof all it likes. Indulgences exist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Justice Antimatter's decision: to OVERTURN/reverse the decision I vote to OVERTURN this appeal, with the comment that ordinarily I would decline judgement, but since my fellow Justices are agreed, I might as well go along (since I can't change things anyways). ====================================================================== Original Judgement: TRUE Reasons and arguments: The caller's argument appears to be incorrect: > Therefore, the specification "the Player who is required to report > the change in Blots" points to no particular Player, since the Rules > charge no Player with the responsibility of keeping a record of any > particular Payment Orders. This is formally contradicted by Rule 1596, which state, in part "Each Recordkeepor shall maintain a record of all Payment Orders executed which specify the Currency of which e is the Recordkeepor..." However, as I have argued in CFJ 929, Indulgences having ceased to be a Currency, no POs can issue in terms of them, and so no player is authorized to execute such POs pursuant to anything. ====================================================================== (Caller's) Arguments: Rule 1435 goes : to gain or receive Blots is to be subject to a PO for the same number of Indulgences, and a Player's Blots is the total amount of such Transfers e has been ordered to effect (that are not disputed or vacated). Thus a "change in Blots" is precisely the executing, disputing or vacating (but unfortunately not the satisfaction) of such a Payment Order. Therefore, the specification "the Player who is required to report the change in Blots" points to no particular Player, since the Rules charge no Player with the responsibility of keeping a record of any particular Payment Orders. ======================================================================