====================================================================== CFJ 926 "It is permissible for an Officer Salary to be defined as a positive number of P-Notes." ====================================================================== Judge: Oerjan Judgement: TRUE Eligible: Andre, Antimatter, Blob, Chuck, Crito, Elde, elJefe, General Chaos, Harlequin, Michael, Morendil, Oerjan, Steve, Swann, Zefram Not eligible: Caller: Murphy Barred: - Disqualified: Vanyel On hold: - ====================================================================== History: Called by Murphy, Wed, 18 Jun 1997 19:56:48 -0700 Assigned to Oerjan, Fri, 20 Jun 1997 14:52:11 +0100 Judged TRUE, Mon, 23 Jun 1997 01:21:04 +0200 (MET DST) Published, Mon, 23 Jun 1997 10:18:07 +0100 ====================================================================== Judgement: TRUE Reasons and arguments: I cannot see that the phrasing "are permitted to be expressed in terms of the Basic Salary" should be interpreted as a restriction. My view is that in its current form, it is merely redundant, except as an explanation of suggested practice: barring an actual restriction with precedence, the Rules are permitted to express things any way whatsoever. Thus my Judgement. As for the Caller's other argument, that "in terms of the BOS" is sufficiently encompassing so as to allow "zero times the BOS + whatever", that seems like a much more delicate question. I think the wording "in terms of" is best avoided for restrictive purposes. ====================================================================== (Caller's) Arguments: Rule 1007 states that a Salary may be not explicitly stated (making it equal to the Basic Officer Salary), or may be expressed in terms of the Basic Officer Salary. I believe that this does not limit the definition of a Salary to these two choices. Even if it does, I argue that "The Bottle Washer's Salary is zero times the Basic Officer Salary, plus 1 P-Note" is expressed in terms of the Basic Officer Salary. Evidence: Rule 1007/11 (Power=1) Default Salary of Officers At the beginning of each Nomic Week, each Officer shall receive the designated Salary for each Office e has held without interruption for the entire five days preceding. If the Rules pertaining to an Office require that Officer to publish a document at least once per Nomic Week, that Officer's Salary for a given Week shall be forfeited if that document has not been distributed in the previous Week. The Registrar shall detect and report all transfers resulting from the payment of fixed weekly Salaries. There shall be a Basic Officer Salary, which is equal to 1 VT. Salaries are permitted to be expressed in terms of the Basic Salary. Unless otherwise specified, the Salary for an Office shall be equal to the Basic Salary. ======================================================================