====================================================================== CFJ 915 "If a message which must be recieved by a particular player is sent to them in a language or code which they cannot decipher, the message does not count as having been recieved by that player." ====================================================================== Judge: General Chaos Judgement: FALSE Eligible: Andre, Antimatter, Blob, Chuck, Crito, elJefe, favor, General Chaos, Macross, Michael, Murphy, Steve, Swann, Vanyel, Zefram Not eligible: Caller: Harlequin Barred: KoJen, Morendil On hold: Oerjan ====================================================================== History: Called by Harlequin, Mon, 17 Mar 1997 21:08:25 -0500 (EST) Assigned to General Chaos, Mon, 24 Mar 1997 09:38:57 +0000 Judged FALSE, Mon, 24 Mar 1997 08:43:16 -0500 Published, Mon, 24 Mar 1997 15:32:12 +0000 ====================================================================== Judgement: FALSE Reasons and arguments: The existing standard for receipt of messages is that message is legally received when it "enters the recipient's normal technical domain of control" (CFJ 866, opinion by Judge Oerjan). This standard does not require that the recipient even read the message, let alone comprehend it. I see no reason to set aside Judge Oerjan's standard at this time. Furthermore, the Rules in no way require any particular language, method, or format for communications, and again I see no reason to impose one from the bench. ====================================================================== (Caller's) Arguments: If a player who needs to act upon a particular message is unable to comprehend it since it is in a language e does not understand, there is no way e can act on it. In a metaphysical way, you can say that it never "reached" em, since the actual *information* within it has not reached em. ======================================================================