From: To: agora-off Subject: OFF: CFJ 1173 Judged TRUE Date: Monday, November 08, 1999 5:57 PM ====================================================================== CFJ 1173 Any TO which is successfully received by the Recordkeepor for the Currency being transfered is properly executed, even if it was redistributed by means of the agora-discussion mailing list. ====================================================================== Called by: Wes Judge: Crito Judgement: TRUE Judge selection: Eligible: Crito, Elysion, harvel, Kolja, Lee, Michael, Murphy, Oerjan, Palnatoke, Peekee, Schneidster, t Not eligible: Caller: Wes Barred: - Had their turn: Blob, Chuck Already served: - Defaulted: - By request: - On Hold: Steve ====================================================================== History: Called by Wes: 05 Nov 1999 15:26:22 -0800 Assigned to Crito: 05 Nov 1999 15:40:31 -0800 Judged TRUE by Crito: 08 Nov 1999 12:53:46 -0500 Judgement Distributed: As of this message ===================================================================== Caller's Arguments: ====================================================================== Evidence attached by the Caller: ====================================================================== Judge's Arguments: The Rules currently make only one exemption which would allow a Player to ignore messages requiring actions (or restraint of actions). That exemption is for messages which are specifically required to go to the PF to have effect. In all other cases, it is this Courts opinion that if the Rules define a certain type of message to have a certain type of effect when received by a Player, then that message has that effect upon receipt, regardless of the forum or method by which the message was transmitted. Therefore, I hereby judge the above CFJ statement to be TRUE. ======================================================================