====================================================================== CFJ 1156 Approving is synonymous with voting FOR. ====================================================================== Called by: Peekee Judge: Annabel Judgement: FALSE Judge selection: Eligible: Annabel, Beefurabi, Blob, Chuck, Crito, elJefe, Elysion, harvel, Kolja, Murphy, Palnatoke, Wes Not eligible: Caller: Peekee Barred: - Had their turn: Michael Already served: - Defaulted: - By request: - On Hold: Lee, Oerjan, Steve ====================================================================== History: Called by Peekee: 15 Aug 1999 14:22:55 EDT Assigned to Annabel: 16 Aug 1999 12:41:17 -0700 Judged FALSE by Annabel: 16 Aug 1999 21:44:00 -0500 Judgement Published: As of this message ===================================================================== Caller's Arguments: ====================================================================== Evidence attached by the Caller: ====================================================================== Judge's Arguments: The only time approving is mentioned in the Rules is in 1369, which states: "The topic should be substantially different from all other Theses previously approved." From the other Rules about Theses, it seems clear that approving a Thesis is not voting for it, but the actual granting of the degree. If only one player votes to grant a degree and five players vote against, it would be inappropriate to claim that the thesis was approved. Therefore, I Judge CFJ 1156 to be false. ======================================================================