====================================================================== CFJ 1154 A Player who is On Hold may not be assigned as a Trustee for an entity in Probate. ====================================================================== Called by: Morendil Judge: Wes Judgement: FALSE Judge selection: Eligible: Annabel, Wes Not eligible: Caller: Morendil Barred: - Had their turn: Beefurabi, Blob, Chuck, Crito, elJefe, Elysion, harvel, Kolja, Michael, Murphy, Palnatoke, Peekee, Vlad Already served: - Defaulted: - By request: - On Hold: - ====================================================================== History: Called by Morendil: 01 Aug 1999 23:21:34 +0200 Assigned to Wes: 06 Aug 1999 16:23:55 -0700 Judged FALSE by Wes: 06 Aug 1999 18:01:25 -0700 Judgement published: As of this message ===================================================================== Caller's Arguments: Rule 1584 states : An On Hold Player is not permitted to Vote on Proposals, make Proposals, or hold Office, and cannot be required by the Rules to perform any duty or action, unless that Rule specifically states that it can require On Hold Players to perform actions. Rule 1738 has the direct effect, as a consequence of assigning a Player as Trustee for an Entity in probate, of requiring certain actions of that Player. Hence, the assignment itself is prohibited by Rule 1584. ====================================================================== Evidence attached by the Caller: ====================================================================== Judge's Arguments: Quite simply, no Rule states that an Inactive Player (that is, one who is On Hold) cannot be given a position, or assigned a title, or called a Trustee. Rule 1584 does very effectively prohibit the resulting Inactive Trustee from being required to perform any actions, but does not actually prohibit the Nomination as Trustee in the first place. One might be tempted to argue that there is a conflict of Rules here between Rules 1584 and 1738. However, when one takes into account the fact that Rule 1738 merely specifies that certain actions are to be performed "as soon as possible," and Rule 1023 is very specific on what this phrase means, including the last paragraph that specifically defers to Rules regarding Players who are On Hold, it neatly avoids any actual conflict. We would be happy to enter a Judgement stating that a Trustee who is On Hold cannot be required to perform any of eir duties, but that particular Judgement would be outside the scope of the Statement provided to us. So we merely return a Judgement of FALSE on the Statement which we have been given. ======================================================================