Clerk's Note: One last apology to Kolja for putting the wrong name in the subject line when we first published this CFJ. We're glad it was spotted by em and Judged appropriately. ;-) ====================================================================== CFJ 1149 If entity X submits a Transfer Order satisfying a Payment Order naming another entity Y as payor, entity Y will commit the Crime of Contempt by Inaction if entity Y does not submit the Transfer Order specifically required by the Payment Order. ====================================================================== Called by: Elysion Judge: Kolja Judgement: TRUE Judge selection: Eligible: Annabel, Kolja, Michael, Murphy, Palnatoke, Peekee, Vlad, Wes Not eligible: Caller: Elysion Barred: - Had their turn: Beefurabi, Blob, Chuck, Crito, elJefe, Elysion, harvel Already served: - Defaulted: - By request: - On Hold: Lee, Oerjan, Steve ====================================================================== History: Called by Elysion: 31 Jul 1999 21:48:16 -0400 Assigned to Kolja: 03 Aug 1999 16:48:48 GMT Judged TRUE by Kolja: 08 Aug 1999 13:14:15 +0200 Judgement published: As of this message ===================================================================== Caller's Arguments: By rule 1569/3, the Payment Order requires entity Y to submit a specific Transfer Order. Rule 1793/0 states: An Order is a command, executed by a Player and directed to some entity requiring that entity to perform exactly one action, or to refrain from performing one or more actions. CFJ #1142 established that a Payment Order can be satisfied by entity X. However, entity Y has not obeyed the order, so will be guilty of Contempt by Inaction if e does not perform the required action (by rule 1810/0). ====================================================================== Evidence attached by the Caller: ====================================================================== Judge's Arguments: CFJ1142 established that PO can be satisfied by a player who is not the payor named in the PO, i.e. it doesn't matter who satisfies the PO (because the lower numbered 1732 takes precedence over 1810). However, the 'Crime of Contempt by Inaction' is defined in R1810 as failure 'to perform the required action' in time by the 'entity who is required by an Order to perform an act'. This definition is not altered by contradicting regulation in 1732 and remains valid, implying that the statement is true. ======================================================================