====================================================================== CFJ 1143 The Order of the Evil Eye has been dissolved. ====================================================================== Called by: Murphy Judge: Elysion Judgement: FALSE Judge selection: Eligible: Chuck, Crito, elJefe, Elysion, harvel, Kolja, Lee, Michael, Morendil, Peekee, Vlad, Wes Not eligible: Caller: Murphy Barred: - Had their turn: Chuck Already served: - Defaulted: Beefurabi By request: - On Hold: - ====================================================================== History: Called by Murphy: 20 Jun 1999 17:32:41 -0700 Assigned to Beefurabi: 02 Jul 1999 07:18:19 -0700 Assigned to Elysion: 09 Jul 1999 11:59:18 -0700 Judged FALSE by Elysion: 12 Jul 1999 10:37:44 -0400 Judgement distributed: As of this message ===================================================================== Caller's Arguments: High Priest Crito stepped down from that position on 6/14. The Ordinances do not appear to specify a Vizier when there is no High Priest. Per Rule 721 (The Vizier and the Ordinancekeepor), the Player who submitted the Application to Create an Organization thus becomes Vizier; if that Player is deregistered, then the Group dissolves. I believe that the Player who submitted the Order's ACO was Harlequin. ====================================================================== Evidence attached by the Caller: Rule 721/9 (Power=1) The Vizier and the Ordinancekeepor The Vizier of a Group shall be whoever the Ordinances of that Group specify. If the Ordinances are silent, the Vizier shall be the Player who authored the ACO that created that Group, if e is still a Member of that Group. If the Group was not created by the Execution of an ACO, the Vizier shall be whoever was the Vizier of that Group when it was first created. If the Vizier thus specified is not a Member of the Group, the Group shall be dissolved. Unless the Ordinances of a Group specify otherwise, the Ordinancekeepor of a Group shall be its Vizier. ====================================================================== Judge's Arguments: Considering rule 721/9, the third paragraph is inapplicable, because the Order's Ordinances explicitly state that the ordinancekeepor is the Vizier, so the lack of one implies the lack of the other. The remaining portion of rule 721/9 can be divided into three (not necessarily exclusive) cases: 1. The Ordinances specify a Vizier 2. The Ordinances do not specify a Vizier 3. The Group was not created by an ACO The third case is false. Exactly one of case one and case two must be true. If case two is true, then the Order must have dissolved, following from the second paragraph and the fact that Harlequin is not a member of the OEE. What exactly does it mean to "specify" a Vizier? Here's an obvious case: Ordinance the First: The Vizier shall be John Galt. Does this next Ordinance specify a Vizier? Ordinance the Second: The first person with the nickname John Galt shall be Vizier Let's look at the applicable Ordinances of the OEE: #1: Priests and Initiates The members of the Order are divided into two ranks, Priests and Initiates. One Priest is the Great and Terrible High Priest of the Eye. Whichever Priest is High Priest is automatically Vizier and Ordinancekeepor of the Order. #7: Loss of High Priest If there is no High Priest, the first Priest to claim the title becomes High Priest. Taken collectively, they boil down to this: The High Priest is Vizier. The first Priest to claim the title [in the event of no HP] is the High Priest. Therefore, the first Priest to claim the title is the Vizier. This is equivalent to our second hypothetical Ordinance. The key here is the meaning of "specify". The abridged OED defines specify as follows: 1. Speak or treat of a matter etc. in detail; give details or particulars. 2. Mention or name (a thing, that) explicitly; state categorically or particularly. Also, include in an architect's, engineer's, etc. specification. 3. Invest with a specific character. Clearly, the Ordinances _do_ speak of the matter. Thus, we rule out the second case, leaving only the first. Rule 721/9 says nothing about what happens to the Group in the first case, only what happens to the Vizier. However, rule 1397/5 provides us with an answer: that the OEE does not dissolve. Therefore, I judge the statement FALSE. ====================================================================== Evidence attached by the Judge: Rule 721/9 (Power=1) The Vizier and the Ordinancekeepor The Vizier of a Group shall be whoever the Ordinances of that Group specify. If the Ordinances are silent, the Vizier shall be the Player who authored the ACO that created that Group, if e is still a Member of that Group. If the Group was not created by the Execution of an ACO, the Vizier shall be whoever was the Vizier of that Group when it was first created. If the Vizier thus specified is not a Member of the Group, the Group shall be dissolved. Unless the Ordinances of a Group specify otherwise, the Ordinancekeepor of a Group shall be its Vizier. ============== Rule 1397/5 (Power=1) Dissolution of Organizations An Organization shall only be dissolved when the Rules or the Organization's SLC require it. An Organization shall be required to be dissolved whenever any of the following conditions are true: i) The Jurisdiction of its SLC becomes empty, and there is no provision for this to change. ii) The continued existence of the Organization would require that the Organization have no legal Administrator. iii) The continued existence of the Organization would require that the Organization have no legal Executor. iv) The continued existence of the Organization would require that the Organization have no legal Maintainer for its SLC. v) The SLC of the Organization requires the Organization to dissolve. This is a Voluntary Dissolution, all other dissolutions are Administrative Dissolutions. The Notary is required to detect when an Administrative Dissolution takes place. As soon as possible after an Organization dissolves, for any reason, the Notary shall report that dissolution to the Public Forum. All Organizations cease to exist upon dissolution. Other Rules can require an Organization to dissolve under other circumstances. ============== Ordinances of the Order of the Evil Eye Valid in this form 12 Nov 1998 #1: Priests and Initiates The members of the Order are divided into two ranks, Priests and Initiates. One Priest is the Great and Terrible High Priest of the Eye. Whichever Priest is High Priest is automatically Vizier and Ordinancekeepor of the Order. #2: The Tithe Whenever the Accountor's report with current VT holdings is published, the High Priest is authorized to issue a Payment Order to each member not On Hold at the time of the report, requiring em to transfer a percentage of eir reported VT income (VTs earned since the last Assessor's report was published) as their tithe to the Order. For Priests the tithe is 10 percent or 2 VTs, whichever is less. For Initiates the tithe is 5 percent or 1 VT, whichever is less. VTs paid to the Order to satisfy the Tithe are placed in the Tithe Fund. #3: Irises The Order mints a Currency called the "Iris." The MUQ of the Iris is .01. There is also an Iris Exchange Tariff, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100, which the High Priest may change at any time by posting the current Tariff to the Public Forum. The initial value of the IET is 5%. Whenever a Player transfers VTs to the Order (other than in satisfaction of a Tithe Payment Order), the High Priest shall, as soon as possible, transfer to that Player a number of Irises equivalent to the number of VTs, minus the IET if the Player is not a member of the Order. A percentage, equal to the IET, of such VTs transferred to the Order by non-members is placed in the Tithe Fund and the remainder is placed in the Banking Fund. All such VTs transferred to the Order by members are placed in the Banking Fund. #4: Voices Any Priest may submit a Voice to the High Priest to be judged by the Order. A Voice is a call for one or more of the following things: A change to the rules of the Order; a reward of VTs or Irises for some player, from the group's treasury; the initiation of a new member as an Initiate; the raising of an Initiate to a Priest; or the replacement of the High Priest with a new High Priest. A Voice is only a Voice if labeled as such. When the High Priest recives a Voice, e must distribute it to all members ASAP. Each Priest gets one vote. Each vote must be 'in favor' or 'opposed'; if more than a minimum fraction of the votes, depending on the type of Voice, recieved within 5 days are in favor, the Voice is adopted. The minimum fraction of votes for voices containing the following effects are as follows: Change in rules 2/3 Reward of VTs or coins 2/3 Initiation of new member 1/2 Raising to priest 2/3 Replacement of High Priest 3/4 The High Priest's vote does not count for the purposes of adopting a Voice that would have the effect of replacting the High Priest. #5: Group Votes The High Priest is authorized to cast Group votes using VTs from the Banking Fund only as the result of Directed Votes. The High Priest is authorized to cast Group votes using VTs from the Tithe Fund on any Proposals as e sees fit, provided there are less than four days left in the Voting Periods of the relevant proposals. #6: Justice Swift and Fair The High Priest has the power to enforce the rules of the Order. Any member breaking the rules shall be subject to any or all of the following penalties, at the High Priest's discretion: loss of Irises owned or controlled by the offending player; removal of the offending player from Priesthood; doubling of the offending player's tithe for some period of time; or expulsion of the offending player from the Order. If the High Priest is the offending player, the penalty is to be decided by a random non-High priest (randomly determined by the High Priest). #7: Loss of High Priest If there is no High Priest, the first Priest to claim the title becomes High Priest. #8: Cashing Irises and Directed Voting Whenever a Priest or Initiate transfers Irises to the Order, e may request either a VT Refund or Directed Votes. The High Priest shall honor this request as soon as possible after receiving such a transfer. VT Refunds are honored by transferring to the requestor a number of VTs from the Order's Banking Fund equivalent to the number of Irises transferred with the request. Directed Votes are honored by casting votes as directed by the requestor, using a number of VTs from the Banking Fund equivalent to the number of Irises transferred with the request. Directed Votes may only be honored if the following conditions are true for each relevant Proposal: 1. The Player has not already directed a vote on the Proposal. 2. There are at least four days left in the Voting Period of the Proposal. 3. There have not already been two Directed Votes on the Proposal. If a Directed Vote request cannot be honored in full, then it shall be treated as a VT Refund request. Whenever a non-member transfers Irises to the Order, it shall be considered a VT Refund request. #9: Quarterly Dividends During the first week of each Nomic Quarter, the High Priest may transfer VTs from the Tithe Fund to the Banking Fund. An equivalent number of Irises must then be paid out, ASAP, to the members of the Order, each Priest receiving a 2/(2*P + I) share and each Initiate receiving a 1/(2*P + I) share (P = number of Priests in the Order, I = number of Initiates). Addenda: The following voice was adopted by a 2/3 majority: Voice: Put the order's money to some use. The High Priest may use the currency owned by the Order to buy indulgences. These indulgences are then made available to the members of the order at their request, for a price of 1 VT each. If members of the order are interested in getting more indulgences from the order than the order owns, these indulgences shall be auctioned off by the High Priest. ======================================================================