========================================================================== CFJ 1116 The VT Payment Order labeled "RVTPO 822" in message "Message-Id: 199902031535.qaa0783-@wsinfm15.win.tue.nl Subject: OFF: Officer Salaries" (salary paid to Justiciar Crito) was improperly executed. ========================================================================== Called by: Crito Judge: Murphy Judgement: FALSE Judge selection: Eligible: Chuck, elJefe, Kolja. A, Morendil, Murphy, Peekee, Steve, Vlad Not eligible: Caller: Crito Barred: Andre Had their turn: Ørjan, Macross, Blob, General Chaos Already served: - Defaulted: - By request: - On Hold: Ørjan, lee ========================================================================== History: Called by Crito: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 13:38:42 -0500 Assigned to Murphy: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 23:04:48 +1100 Judged FALSE by Murphy: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 01:05:56 -0800 Judgement published: as of this message ========================================================================== Caller's Arguments: R910 states "The Justiciar does not receive a fixed weekly salary." R1007 states "Unless otherwise specified, the Salary for an Office shall be equal to the Basic Salary." I contend that the above statement in R910 constitutes a specification of the salary for the Justiciar. Because the (lack of) salary is specified in R910, the above statement in R1007 prevents it from setting the salary of the Justiciar to the Basic Salary. I should remind the Judge that if e were to find this CFJ TRUE, e must then vacate the referenced Payment Order. ========================================================================== Judge's Arguments: I Judge the statement FALSE. "X does not exist" is not equivalent to "X is zero". For a concrete example, consider these hypothetical Rules: Rule 3000A The Justiciar's Salary is zero VTs. Rule 3000B The Justiciar's Salary is one VT. Clearly 3000A and 3000B conflict. But the relevant clause of 910/6 does not conflict with 3000B, so it cannot be equivalent to 3000A. ==========================================================================