====================================================================== CFJ 1106 In calculating the success of the Revolt of 3 Sep 1998, Swann should be counted as only one player for the purposes of determining the total number of players. ====================================================================== Judge: Blob Judgement: FALSE Eligible: Antimatter, Blob, Chuck, Crito, General Chaos, Harlequin, Kolja A., Macross, Michael, Morendil, Murphy, Proglet, Steve Not eligible: Caller: Lee Barred: - Disqualified: - On hold: elJefe, Oerjan, Swann ====================================================================== History: Called by Lee, Thu, 3 Sep 1998 23:40:41 -0500 Assigned to Blob, Tue, 8 Sep 1998 10:50:49 +0100 Judged FALSE, Wed, 9 Sep 1998 13:32:45 +1000 Published, Wed, 9 Sep 1998 09:19:59 +0100 ====================================================================== Judgement: FALSE Reasons and arguments: The caller stated that: > > The rule Rule 1837/0 (Power=1) does not mention a Revolt, just a > rebellion. Which is true, but irrelevant, because 1837 was amended on Aug 3 1998 to read: Rule 1837/1 (Power=1) The Miscreant Let there exist the Patent Title of "Miscreant". If any Player has more than ten Blots, the Player with the most Blots earns the Title of Miscreant. If no Player has the most number of Blots, there is no Miscreant. The Miscreant loses eir Title of Miscreant if eir number of Blots drops below ten, if another Player gains as many Blots as em, or if another Player gains more Blots than em. The Herald shall announce in the Public Forum whenever a Player receives or loses this Title, as soon as possible after such award or revocation occurs. A Player with the Title Miscreant counts as two Rebellious Players when determining the outcome of a Revolt. This rule takes precedence over any other rule determining the outcome of a Revolt. The rule now explicitly mentions "the outcome of a Revolt", and has the necessary precedence clause to change the method described in 1664. The question still stands as to whether the Miscreant is counted twice when determining "the number of Players at the time of the Call for Revolt", required by R1664. Does counting the Miscreant as "two Rebellious Players", mean counting em as two players for the total? In the absence of any other ruling discovered by this judge, either in the ruleset or in the history of past judgements, the decision comes down to one of common sense. It seems to me, necessary that being counted as two Rebellious Players, also implies being counted as two Players. R1664 makes it clear that both the selection of the random integer, and the comparison to the number of Rebellious Player are part of determining the outcome of the Revolt, so the last paragraph of R1837 affects them both. Swann, as the Miscreant, was therefore correctly counted twice, both for the number of Players and the number of Rebellious Players at the time of the Revolt. ====================================================================== (Caller's) Arguments: The rule Rule 1837/0 (Power=1) does not mention a Revolt, just a rebellion. Rule 1664/6 (Power=1)does not mention a Miscreant, but does include a clear way to calculate the success of a revolt. Evidence: Rebellion Any Player is either Abiding or Rebellious. A new Player is always Abiding when e becomes a player. A Player can switch from Abiding to Rebellious or from Rebellious to Abiding by sending a message to the Public Forum saying e does change so. The Registrar shall maintain a list of all Players that are Rebellious. This list is known as the Red Pages, and is part of the Registrar's Report. A Player may Call for a Revolt at any time, by sending to the Public Forum saying e does so. A Call for Revolt is only effective if the following conditions are met: i) The player posting the Call is Rebellious, ii) No other effective Call for Revolt has been made that week, iii) A successful Revolt has not occurred for a month or more. As soon as possible after an effective Call for Revolt has been posted, the Registrar must determine whether the Revolt succeeds, as outlined below, and post the result to the Public Forum. The result of a Revolt is determined as follows: The Registrar selects a random integer from 1 to the number of Players at the time of the Call for Revolt. If this number is less than or equal to the number of Rebellious Players at the time of the Call for Revolt, then the Revolt succeeds, otherwise it fails. If a Revolt succeeds, then the following events occur (in order): - The Registrar shall vacate all Blots of each Rebellious Player. - The Registrar shall pay out 2 VT to each Rebellious Player. - A Speaker Transition occurs - All Players that hold one or more Offices in the normal fashion cease to hold those in a normal fashion and hold them temporarily instead. - All Rebellious Players become Abiding again If a Revolt does not succeed, then: - All Rebellious Players gain 2 Blots. - The Player who Called for Revolt gains 2 (additional) Blots The Registrar shall execute all Payment Orders required by this rule. The Registrar is authorised to vacate any payment orders this rule requires em to vacate. Rule 1837/0 (Power=1) The Miscreant Let there exist the Patent Title of "Miscreant". If any Player has more than ten Blots, the Player with the most Blots earns the Title of Miscreant. If no Player has the most number of Blots, there is no Miscreant t. The Miscreant loses eir Title of Miscreant if eir number of Blots drops below ten, if another Player gains as many Blots as em, or if another Player gains more Blots than em. A Player with the Title Miscreant counts as two Players towards the tally needed for Rebellion. If a Rebellion occurs in which the Miscreant was a Rebel, the Title of Miscreant is revoked from the Miscreant. ======================================================================