====================================================================== CFJ 1045 CFJs 945-970 and 972-1044 do not contain a statement of the sort required by rule 1563, and as such, must be dismissed. ====================================================================== Judge: <> Judgement: <> Eligible: Andre, Blob, Calabresi, ChrisM, Chuck, Crito, Elde, elJefe, General Chaos, Harlequin, Michael, Morendil, Murphy, Oerjan, Steve, Vir, Vlad, Zefram Not eligible: Caller: Kolja A. Barred: On request: Vanyel On hold: Swann ====================================================================== History: Called by Kolja A., Sep 23 21:26:10 1997 Assigned to Morendil, as of this message ====================================================================== (Caller's) Arguments: Relevant Rules: 1563 Rule 1563/1 (Power=1) Statement of a CFJ In order to be Judged, a Call for Judgement must contain a single clearly-labeled Statement which must be able to be determined by the means of logical reasoning, with the presumption of perfect knowledge, to be either TRUE or FALSE. Statements which are inherently contradictory or which are vacuous are not acceptable, and a CFJ containing such a Statement shall not be Judged. If a Call for Judgement does not contain a Statement of the sort required by this Rule, its Judge is required to dismiss the CFJ, as described elsewhere. It is permitted for a Call for Judgement to contain Arguments, Evidence, or other material placed there at the Caller's discretion. However, the Judge is not required to take notice of any part of the CFJ other than the Statement in formulating eir Judgement. Before I begin arguing, I'd like to say that when I refer to "the statement", I refer to the statement "This statement is TRUE.", and when I refer to "the CFJ", I'm referring to the CFJ I am submitting. I'm keeping this consistancy so that it's clear what I am talking about. The statement "This statement is TRUE." cannot be determined to be either TRUE or FALSE by means of logical reasoning. If the statement is TRUE, then it follows that the statement is TRUE, and there's no contradiction. If the statement is FALSE, then it follows that the statement is FALSE, and there's no contradiction. Therefore, the statement is both TRUE and FALSE and is not either TRUE or FALSE. The statement is also vacuous, and is therefore not acceptable. vacuous (vąk“y”-es) adjective 1. Devoid of matter; empty. 2. a. Lacking intelligence; stupid. b. Devoid of substance or meaning; inane: a vacuous comment. c. Devoid of expression; vacant: "The narrow, swinelike eyes were open, no more vacuous in death than they had been in life" (Nicholas Proffitt). 3. Lacking serious purpose or occupation; idle. See synonyms at EMPTY. [From Latin vacuus, empty. See VACUUM.] - vac“uously adverb - vac“uousness noun The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from InfoSoft International, Inc. All rights reserved. definitions 2b, 2c, and 3 all support the statement being vacuous. definition 1 would imply an empty statement, like a null set, but then there would be no statement to be vacuous, so definition 1 does not apply. definition 2a is a matter of taste, so it does not apply. The statement has not substance or meaning in game terms or in terms of anything other than the statement. I'd like to also note that this CFJ must be judged TRUE if it is determined by the judge that the statement cannot be judged TRUE or FALSE by logical reasoning or the statement is vacuous. Either one of those being TRUE (or both being true) makes this CFJ true. ======================================================================